Making Business Travel into a Mini-Vacation
Traveling on a super long flight from the US to say Italy, giving a speech, and returning to the US that evening can wear one out significantly. Many business travelers have decided this is just too much wear and tear on the body, not to mention the mind.
This is where the “bleisure” traveler comes in. This term is used to identify those professional travelers who are overworking themselves with business trips, and have decided to add a little fun time into the mix.
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A travel website recently reported that work travel is becoming a lifestyle for some people, rather than a necessity. Of the international travelers surveyed last year, 60% of them said they have taken bleisure trips, stating that they added two vacation days on the average to their work-related travel.
About half of those travelers said they did this on most trips, and six out of 10 said they are taking them more regularly than they were five years ago.
Travelers claim that it takes the stress out of the business travel somewhat, and makes the whole trip something to look forward to. Whether you are just taking time out to see the major attraction in the area or just relaxing for the day on the beach, professionals say it certainly helps them stay relaxed.
Some workers say that their clients will pay for them to arrive a day or two early so they will be refreshed and focused when the big moment arrives.
Mixing business with pleasure doesn’t have to be done all on your own. Plenty of travelers bring a family member or spouse with them, or even the children. Take time to see the sights or hit the local amusement park. Go hiking in the mountains or check out the Las Vegas Strip for an afternoon.
All work and no play never did anyone any good. Planning ahead can make your bleisure trip even better. Be sure to have the right apps on your phone to help your trip run smoothly. The Moovit app helps you get public transportation information from all over the world, and allows you to feel confident that you can hit the ground running and be off to your mini-vaca.
Check out Yelp or Tripadvisor to find the best local restaurants or attractions in your current area.
If you need luxury car service to any of San Diego’s airports, call Roadrunner Limousine today.
Learn more about our
Car Service: San Diego Airport
Or call 24/7 – 323.419.0470
Sure you still have a job to perform, and most of the places you visit you will return to again and again. But some of them may be just a one-time thing. Don’t miss out on seeing the awesome landmarks the city has to offer just because you are on a business trip. Plan ahead and see what places are within range from your meeting place. Decide who, if anyone, you want to bring with you on your excursion. Most of all, relax, de-stress and have a wonderful holiday.